Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Missing Kisti

It's hard to believe that two weeks ago, Kisti gently slid into forever, leaving all of us who love her, bereft of her tangible voice, touch, laugh, self. As her sister and friend, I was always awed by her wisdom, creativity and genius, and her far ranging (and occasionally raunchy) humor.To my mind she was the best of us five-not petty or jealous, or gossipy or partisan or egotisical.She was smarter than all of us put together. She was more interior with an incredibly rich inner universe that she expressed through her art and her life over and over again.She was giving and loving and expressed appreciation openly and generously. I'm not sure how I can stand to live the rest of my life without her and when I try to think of it grief rolls in like a mighty wave. I miss her so.
 And at the same time, I feel so very very lucky to have had her as long as we have.

Nancy Heerens-Knudson

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